
Intrusive Ground Investigations

Also known as 'Phase II' investigations, the physical drilling of boreholes or digging of trial pits to gain samples of the ground. 

Phase 1 Desk Top Studies

A combined desk based and physical site visit to ascertain the site history and possible contamination sources and risks to your site. 


We are here to help. If you have any questions or queries about your project or site, call us for a completely free discussion as to your best next steps

Geotechnical Interpretive Reporting

From foundation to soakaway design, we can help develop the correct strategy for your project. 

Insitu Testing Services

A number of on-site insitu testing methods are available to assess the existing ground conditions using our in-house equipment and fully trained staff. 

Site Logging and Supervision Services

Professional soil and rock logging to EC7 by Wessex and West's fully trained and highly experienced Engineering Geologists

Coal Mining Risk Assessments

With much of the country historically mined, a risk assessment will give an idea on how to manage residual risk to your site. 

Contaminated Land Assessments

Following on from a phase 1 desk study, a contaminated land investigation may be required to discharge planning. 

Let us help you on your next project
01380 900102 or