Geotechnical and 
Geo-environmental Investigations

A friendly, independent business where Clients come first. 

Wessex and West Ground Investigation Limited offers a personal and dedicated service which puts the needs of our clients first. During many years in the industry we have completed all types of ground investigations across the length and breadth of the UK. We work primarily with developers across Wales and the South West but we can also help clients nationwide. 

We are passionate about Ground Investigation and make the process as smooth as possible for our clients.  

Give us a call or send us an email to find out more.


Intrusive Ground Investigations

Also known as Phase II investigations, they involve physical drilling of boreholes or digging of trial pits to gain samples of the ground for logging and testing. 

Phase 1 Desk Top Studies

This is a combined desk-based report coupled with a physical site visit to ascertain the site history and possible contamination risk. 

Coal Mining Risk Assessments

With vast swathes of the country historically mined, a risk assessment will give an idea of the remaining coal risk to your site and are often a requirement for gaining planning permission. 

Insitu Testing

Professional soil and rock logging to EC7 by Wessex and West's fully trained and experienced Engineering Geologists. 

Site logging and Supervision Services

A number of on-site insitu testing methods available to assess the existing ground conditions using our in-house equipment and fully trained staff. 

Geotechnical Interpretive Reporting

From foundation to soakaway design, we can help develop the correct strategy for your project. 

Why choose us

- Experienced team - our years of experience ensure that you get the best support for your project

 - Nationwide - we offer our services from Cornwall to Scotland

 - Phase 1 Specialists - most of our client work begins with a Phase 1 Desk top study. Once that is complete every client's project is different and our services will always reflect that

 - Competative Prices - you'll receive the highest quality products and services at the very best prices. 

Business Hours

  • Mon – Fri
    • 08:00 am – 06:00 pm
  • Saturday
    • 10:00 am – 02:00 pm
  • Sunday
    • Closed

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